Brief personal information
Shu-Ning Zhang, Lecturer, Master Supervisor, Ph.D.
Research interesting: Tourism culture andinnovation, Tourism information dissemination,and Destination marketing and management, etc.
张舒宁,1995年生,讲师(2022.07留校)、硕士生导师,管理学博士,主要研究方向为旅游文化与创新、旅游信息传播、目的地营销与管理等。在《Tourism Management》《Journal of Travel Research》《International Journal of Hospitality Management》《Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services》《Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management》《Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management》《Current Issues in Tourism》《Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing》《南开管理评论》《地理研究》《旅游学刊》等SSCI与CSSCI期刊共发表论文40余篇,ESI高被引论文2篇,主持了福建省社科基金重点项目、四川省社科基金重点项目、华侨大学高层次人才科研启动项目,并主研了国家社科基金一般项目、国家自然科学基金青年项目、福建省人民政府发展研究中心决策咨询研究重大项目等多项课题,获得“福建省第十四届社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖”,担任《Annals of Tourism Research》《International Journal of Hospitality Management》《International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management》《Current Issues in Tourism》《Tourism Review》等10多本SSCI期刊外审专家。
[1] 第一作者:How to avoid the cultural distortion risk at heritagesites? A Configurationanalysis perspective.Journal of Travel Research, 2023. (SSCI, ABS 4, JCR Q1, IF:8.9)
[2] 第一作者:Reconstruction of the relationship between traditional and emergingrestaurant brand and customer WOM. International Journal of Hospitality Management,2021. (JCR: Q1, SSCI, IF: 9.2)
[3] 第一作者:Local cultural distortion risk at tourist destinations: Connotation deconstruction and theoretical construction. Current Issues in Tourism, 2023. (JCR: Q1; SSCI, IF:8.0)
[4] 第一作者:Does live performance play a critical role in building destination brand equity—A mixed-method study of "Impression Dahongpao". Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2021. (SSCI, JCR: Q1, IF: 10.4)
[5] 第一作者:A study on China's time-honored catering brands: Achieving new inheritance of traditional brands.Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2021. (SSCI,JCR: Q1, IF: 10.4)
[6] 通讯作者:The persuasive effect of humorous prompts on tourists' heritage responsiblebehaviors . Tourism Review, 2023. (SSCI, JCR: Q2, IF:7.8)
[7] 第一作者:How does authenticity enhance flow experience through perceived value and involvement: the moderating roles of innovation and cultural identity. Journal of Travel &Tourism Marketing, 2019. (SSCI, JCR: Q1, IF: 7.564)
[8] 通讯作者:The secret to tourist enjoyment: Critical factors and strategic configurations for cultural and creative tourists’ enjoyment. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing,2021. (SSCI,JCR: Q1, IF:7.6)
[9] 通讯作者:Understanding the brand equity construction process of Chinese restaurants and Western restaurants: The controversial perspective of utilitarianism and hedonism.Service Business, 2022. (SSCI, JCR: Q2, IF:5.9)
[10]第一作者:National identity construction in cultural and creative tourism: The double mediators of implicit cultural memory and explicit cultural learning. SAGE Open, 2021. (SSCI, JCR: Q3, IF: 1.6)
[11]第一作者:Critical factors in the identification of word-of-mouth enhanced with travel apps: The moderating roles of Confucian culture and the switching cost view. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 2019. (SSCI, JCR: Q3, IF: 3.7)
[12] 共同作者:Influencing factors and formation process of cultural inheritance-based innovation at heritage tourism destinations.Tourism Management, 2023.(SSCI, ABS 4, JCR:Q1, IF:12.7)
[13] 共同作者:Traditional festival tourism and tourists’ national identity: A dual collaborative framework of cultural inheritance and inherited innovation. Tourism Review,2022. (SSCI, JCR: Q1, IF:7.7)
[14] 共同作者:Cultural inheritance-based innovation at heritage tourism destinations: Conceptualizing, structural dimensions and scale development. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 2023.(SSCI, JCR:Q1, IF:8.3)
[15]共同作者:遗产旅游地文化传承式创新对游客行为的多重影响:整合社会与市场视角. 旅游学刊, 2023 (CSSCI, 影响因子: 5.3)
[1] 第一作者:Would you enjoy virtual travel? The characteristics and causes of virtual tourism sentiment under the influence of the COVID-19 epidemic. Tourism Management,2022.(SSCI, ABS 4, JCR:Q1; IF:10.9, ESI高被引论文)
[2]通讯作者:Can tourism information flow enhance tourism economic linkages between regions? Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 2021. (SSCI, JCR: Q2, IF:5.9)
[3]第一作者:接收、共鸣与分享:网络口碑推动网红餐饮粉丝效应的过程机理.南开管理评论, 2021. (封面文章, CSSCI, 影响因子: 8.797)
[4]第一作者:时空透视与成因探测:大型展会网络信息扩散规律与驱动机制.地理研究,2022. (CSSCI,影响因子: 8.6)
[5] 通讯作者:自然灾害事件下景区风险管理:危机信息流扩散与旅游流响应. 南开管理评论, 2020. (CSSCI, 影响因子: 8.8, 人大复印资料全文转载)
[6]通讯作者:大型体育赛事网络信息扩散的时空规律及机制. 上海体育学院学报, 2020. (CSSCI, 影响因子:3.4)
[7] 共同作者:Sentiment mining of online reviews of shared accommodations: Customeremotional heterogeneity and its influencing factors.Tourism Management,2022.(SSCI,ABS 4, JCR:Q1, IF:12.9)
[8] 共同作者:Spread the word: Secondary crisis communication of unethical destination incidents via social media.Journal of Travel Research, 2023.(SSCI,ABS 4, JCR:Q1, IF:8.9)
[9] 共同作者:Owned media or earned media? The influence of social media types on impulse buying intention in internet celebrity restaurants. International Journal of HospitalityManagement, 2023.(SSCI, JCR:Q1, IF:11.7)
[10] 第二作者:A new path for building hotel brand equity: the impacts of technological competence and service innovation implementation through perceived value and trust. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 2020. (SSCI, JCR: Q1, IF: 7.0)
[11] 共同作者:Virtual tourist motivation: The differences between virtual tourism and on-site tourism.Tourism Review, 2023. (SSCI, JCR: Q2, IF:7.8)
[12]共同作者:Negative tourism rumors towards user online citizenship behavior: The differential influence of correction sources. Tourism Review, 2023. (SSCI, JCR: Q2, IF:7.8)
[13]共同作者:The charm of emojis: The heterogeneous effects of emoji use on users' intention to share in online tourism rumor correction.Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research,2023.(SSCI, JCR:Q2, IF:5.0)
[14] 共同作者:The impact of COVID-19 on tourism demand for destinations: An analysis of spatial heterogeneity from a multi-scale perspective. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 2021. (SSCI, JCR: Q3, IF: 3.7)
[15] 第二作者:旅游需求对跨境危机事件信息扩散的空间响应与影响因素.旅游学刊, 2022. (CSSCI,影响因子: 3.632)
[16] 第二作者:中国赴泰旅游需求时空分异及其影响因素.旅游学刊, 2019. (CSSCI,影响因子: 3.6)
[17]共同作者:情感异质性视角下共享住宿顾客情感体验的成因机理. 旅游学刊,2022. (CSSCI, 影响因子: 5.3)
[1] 通讯作者:Evaluation and drive mechanism of tourism ecological security based on the DPSIR-DEA model. Tourism Management, 2019. (SSCI, ABS 4, JCR: Q1, IF: 10.9, ESI高被引论文)
[2] 通讯作者:Restoration path of small tourism enterprise managers' confidence in the COVID-19 period.Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 2022. (SSCI, JCR: Q1, IF:8.2)
[3] 共同作者:Does work-family conflict weaken family travel intention?—A study basedon China. Journal of Leisure Research, 2020. (SSCI, JCR: Q3, IF: 2.561)
[4] 共同作者:Creating competitive advantage through entrepreneurial factors, collaboration and learning. Management Decision, 2023. (SSCI, JCR: Q2, IF: 5.9)
[5] 共同作者:Night tourscape: Structural dimensions and experiential effects.Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 2023.(SSCI, JCR:Q1, IF:8.3)
[6] 共同作者:How to impress guests: Key factors and strategy configurationsm for the accommodation memories of homestay guests.Journal of Hospitality and TourismManagement,2022. (SSCI, JCR: Q1, IF:7.6)
[7] 共同作者:Relieving tourist anxiety during the COVID-19 epidemic: A dual perspective of the government and the tourist destination.Current Issues in Tourism, 2023. (SSCI,JCR: Q1, IF:8.0)
[8] 共同作者:How bed and breakfast experiences drive customer value cocreation: A social servicescape framework. Tourism Review, 2022. (SSCI, JCR: Q1, IF:7.7)
[9] 共同作者:The critical criteria for innovation entrepreneurship of restaurants: Considering the interrelationship effect of human capital and competitive strategy a case study in Taiwan.Journal of Hospitality and TourismManagement,2020. (SSCI, JCR: Q1, IF:7.6)
[10] 共同作者:民宿创业成功的关键要素与理论逻辑:基于扎根理论分析.南开管理评论, 2022 (CSSCI, 影响因子: 8.8, 人大复印资料全文转载)
[11] 共同作者:中国入境旅游的“胡焕庸线”空间分布特征及驱动机理研究. 经济地理, 2018 (CSSCI, 影响因子: 7.2)
[1] 第一作者:Critical factors identification and prediction of tourism and hospitality students’entrepreneurial intention. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 2020. (SSCI, JCR: Q2, IF: 1.5)
[2] 第一作者:Technology external cause or individual internal cause? Multiple ways to improve the online learning effectiveness of tourism and hospitality management students. SAGE Open, 2023.(SSCI,JCR:Q3, IF: 1.6)
[3] 共同作者:旅游学者合作网络地位对创新绩效的影响机制研究. 旅游学刊, 2022.(CSSCI, 影响因子: 5.3)
1. 福建省社会科学基金重点项目:旅游业赋能福建优秀传统文化创造性转化的逻辑、机制与路径研究. 2022.12—2025.12, 在研, 主持
2. 四川省哲学社会科学重点研究基地重点项目:四川遗产旅游文化生产失真风险的形成路径与治理机制研究. 2021.06—2023.06, 即将结项, 主持
3. 华侨大学高层次人才科研启动项目:多维风险视角下非遗旅游文化异化的测度、生成机制与规避路径研究, 2022.11—2024.11, 在研, 主持
4. 国家社科基金一般项目:旅游地文化失真风险的生成逻辑、演化机理与治理机制研究. 2021.09—2024.06, 结项中, 第一参与人
5.国家社科基金一般项目:海峡西岸城市群旅游经济网络的演化、驱动及影响机制研究. 2017.06—2020.06, 结项, 主要参与人
6. 国家自科基金青年项目:旅游危机信息扩散下客源地公众情感响应的时空规律、过程机制与调适路径. 2023.01—2025.12, 在研, 主要参与人
7. 教育部哲学社会科学研究后期资助一般项目:危机事件对旅游地影响的多维评估、过程机制与治理体系研究. 2022.09—2024.07, 在研, 主要参与人
8. 福建省人民政府发展研究中心决策咨询研究重大课题:福建培育国家级夜间文旅消费集聚区对策研究. 2019.12—2020.06, 结项, 主要参与人
9. 福建省社科规划重大项目:福建省做大做强做优文旅经济研. 2022.04—2023.11, 结项, 第一参与人
10. 福建省社科规划重大项目:统筹推进我省疫情防控和经济社会发展措施研究. 2020.07-2021.11, 结项, 主要参与人
11. 中华全国归国华侨联合会课题:文化旅游体验对入境华侨华人身份认同与国家形象传播的影响机制及政策引导. 2020.03—2022.03, 结项, 主要参与人
12.厦门市社会科学调研课题重点项目:在疫情后文旅融合的背景下厦门夜间经济创新发展研究. 2020.04—2020.10, 结项, 主要参与人
1. 2020《旅游学刊》中国旅游研究年会优秀会议论文:你喜欢云端旅游吗?COVID-19影响下虚拟旅游体验的公众情感特征及成因, 第一作者
2. 2019 第四届中国青年旅游论坛获优秀论文一等奖:Evaluation and drive mechanism of tourism ecological security based on the DPSIR-DEA model, 第一作者
3. 2019 首届中国旅游实践教学研讨会优秀论文:Critical factors in the promotion of tourism and hospitality students' entrepreneurial intention: moderating effects of theoretical enhancement, risk-taking and social worth, 第一作者
4. 2018 第三届中国青年旅游论坛二等奖:中国出境旅游需求的时分异及其影响因素, 第二作者
5. 2021 第五届营销科学与创新国际论坛[MSI2021]优秀论文提名奖:Rules and logic: Exhibition internet information diffusion rules and dynamic mechanism, 第一作者
6. 2019 APacCHRIE Conference(口头汇报):How to enhance the flow experience of tourists in cultural and creative tourism: The moderating roles of innovation and cultural identity, 第一作者
1. 2021年“福建省第十四届社会科学优秀成果奖”三等奖(排名第2/3)
2. 2022年华侨大学研究生承志英才优秀学位论文
3. 2022年5th Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference, Undergraduate Student Research Competition 二等奖(指导教师)
4. 2023年大学生创新创业训练计划项目, 国家级立项(指导教师)
5. 2022年中国包装创意设计大赛, 全国三等奖(指导教师)