阮文奇,男,1992年生,教授、博士生导师(2019聘任副研究员、2020转聘副教授、2022破格教授、2023聘任博导),管理学博士,福建省高层次人才、泉州市高层次人才(第三层次),主要研究方向为旅游安全管理与危机治理、文旅创新与风险管理、旅游信息与情感挖掘、目的地营销与管理。在《Tourism Management》《Journal of Travel Research》《Journal of Sustainable Tourism》《International Journal of Hospitality Management》《Journal of Leisure Research》《Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services》《Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management》《Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management》《Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing》《Current Issues in Tourism》《南开管理评论》《旅游学刊》《地理研究》《上海体育学院学报》《经济地理》等国内外权威及核心期刊发表论文70余篇,其中50篇论文被SSCI收录,21篇论文被CSSCI和CSCD收录(含扩展版),ESI高被引论文2篇,知网高被引论文6篇,在旅游领域三大顶级期刊Tourism Management (6篇)和Journal of Travel Research (4篇)发表论文10篇(ABS4星级),其中一类A和一类B论文61篇(华侨大学学术期刊分类标准),并且分别获得“第十四届和第十五届”福建省社科优秀成果奖三等奖。
主持了国家社科基金一般项目、国家自科基金青年项目、教育部哲学社会科学研究后期资助一般项目、福建省社科规划重大项目(2项)、福建省教育教学研究重大项目、原国家旅游局项目、中华全国归国华侨联合会课题、厦门市社会科学调研课题重点项目、华侨大学高层次人才科研启动项目等10余项课题研究,并且主研了国家社科基金一般项目、福建省人民政府发展研究中心决策咨询研究重大项目、全国教育科学“十二五”规划课题、四川省哲学社会科学规划项目等多项课题,并且在《Tourism Management》《南开管理评论》《旅游学刊》等20多本SSCI、SCI和CSSCI权威期刊匿名审稿人。
1. 旅游安全管理与危机治理(侧重旅游危机管理、旅游安全地理、旅游危机沟通、危机传播与游客行为决策)
2. 文旅创新与风险管理(侧重文化创意旅游、旅游文化风险、旅游文化创新与传承、数字化与文化可持续)
3. 目的地管理与营销
4. 旅游信息与情感挖掘
「2024-至今 代表性论文」(标注*为通讯作者)
[1] Yang, T. T., Ruan, W. Q.*(阮文奇), Li, Y. Q., & Zhang, S. N. (2024). Make the Effort Visible: The Effect of Process Transparency on Public Forgiveness in Tourism Crisis Communication. Journal of Travel Research, 00472875231221679. (SSCI), *Corresponding author.
[2] Tang, Y. T., Ruan, W. Q.(阮文奇), Zhang, S. N., Li, X., & Zhou, Y. (2024). What Makes You Palpitate with Excitement? The Differentiation Effect and Mechanism of Message Appeal in Tourism Short Videos. Journal of Travel Research, 00472875231225396. (SSCI), Co-author.
[3] Wang, M. Y., Li, Y. Q., Ruan, W. Q.*(阮文奇), Zhang, S. N., Li, R., & Zhang, K. F. (2024). To understand or to touch? Evoking tourists’ cultural preservation commitment through heritage tourism interpretation. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 1-20. (SSCI), *Corresponding author.
[4] Ruan, W. Q.(阮文奇), Yang, Z. T.*,Zhang, S. N.(2024). Mocking oneself or teasing others?The interactive effects of humorous message framing and tourism crisis response strategies .Current Issues in Tourism.(SSCI), First author.
[5] Ruan, W. Q.(阮文奇), Cheng, Z. C., Zhang, S. N., & Li, X. (2024). Will you forgive it? The interactive effects of crisis news framing and crisis communication message framing on tourists’ forgiveness. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 1-18.(SSCI), First author.
[6]Huang, H., Ruan, W. Q.*(阮文奇), Zhang, S. N. (2024). The evolutionary characteristics and process mechanisms of online public opinion for major sports event emergencies. SAGE Open.(SSCI), *Corresponding author.
「2023 代表性论文」(标注*为通讯作者)
[1] Zhang, S. N., Ruan, W. Q.*(阮文奇), Li, Y. Q., & Xiao, H. (2023). Cultural distortion risks at heritage sites: Scale development and validation. Tourism Management, 102, 104860. (SSCI), *Corresponding author.
[2] Wang, M. Y., Li, Y. Q., Ruan, W. Q.*(阮文奇), Zhang, S. N., & Li, R. (2023). Influencing factors and formation process of cultural inheritance-based innovation at heritage tourism destinations. Tourism Management, 100, 104799. (SSCI), *Corresponding author.
[3] Ruan, W. Q.(阮文奇), Wang, M. Y., Zhang, S. N., Li, Y. Q., & Su, X. (2023). Knowledge-based or affection-based? The influence mechanism of heritage tourism interpretation content on tourists' willingness to inherit culture. Tourism Management, 102, 104876. (SSCI), First author.
[4] Ruan, W. Q.(阮文奇), Zhou, Y., Li, Y. Q., Su, X. W., Zhang, S. N., & Deng, F. (2023). Spread the word: Secondary crisis communication of unethical destination incidents via social media. Journal of Travel Research, 00472875231195731. (SSCI), First author.
[5] Zhang, S. N., Ruan, W. Q.*(阮文奇), Li, Y. Q., Li, R., & Wang, M. Y. (2023). How to Avoid the Cultural Distortion Risk at Heritage Sites? A Configuration Analysis Perspective. Journal of Travel Research, 00472875231194275. (SSCI), *Corresponding author.
[6] Zhou, Y., Li, Y. Q., Ruan, W. Q.*(阮文奇), & Zhang, S. N. (2023). Owned media or earned media? The influence of social media types on impulse buying intention in internet celebrity restaurants. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 111, 103487. (SSCI), *Corresponding author.
[7] Zhang, S. N., Ruan, W. Q.*(阮文奇), Li, Y. Q., & Huang, H. (2023). Local cultural distortion risk at tourist destinations: connotation deconstruction and theoretical construction. Current Issues in Tourism, 1-17. (SSCI), *Corresponding author.
[8] Wang, M. Y., Li, Y. Q., Ruan, W. Q.*(阮文奇), Zhang, S. N., & Li, R. (2023). Cultural inheritance-based innovation at heritage tourism destinations: Conceptualization, structural dimensions and scale development. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 55, 118-130. (SSCI), *Corresponding author.
[9] Yang, T. T., Ruan, W. Q.*(阮文奇), Li, Y. Q., & Zhang, S. N. (2023). Virtual tourist motivation: the differences between virtual tourism and on-site tourism. Tourism Review. (SSCI), *Corresponding author.
[10] Ruan, W. Q.(阮文奇), Jiang, G. X., Li, Y. Q., & Zhang, S. N. (2023). Night tourscape: Structural dimensions and experiential effects. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 55, 108-117. (SSCI), First author.
[11] Jiang, G. X., Li, Y. Q., Ruan, W. Q.*(阮文奇), & Zhang, S. N. (2023). Relieving tourist anxiety during the COVID-19 epidemic: a dual perspective of the government and the tourist destination. Current Issues in Tourism, 1-16. (SSCI), *Corresponding author.
[12] Yang, Z. T., Ruan, W. Q.*(阮文奇), Zhang, S. N., & Deng, F. (2023). The charm of emojis: the heterogeneous effects of emoji use on users’ intention to share in online tourism rumor correction. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 28(3), 212-233. (SSCI), *Corresponding author.
[13] Ruan, W. Q.(阮文奇), Deng, F., Zhang, S. N., & Zhou, Y. (2023). Negative tourism rumors towards user online citizenship behavior: the differential influence of correction sources. Tourism Review. (SSCI), First author.
[14] Cheng, Z. C., Ruan, W. Q.*(阮文奇), Zhang, S. N., & Deng, F. (2023). What triggers tourists’ anxiety? The differential impacts of crisis information source types in social media on tourists’ cross-border travel anxiety. Tourism Review. (SSCI), *Corresponding author.
[15] Huang, H., Ruan, W. Q.*(阮文奇), Li, Y. Q., & Wang, M. Y. (2023). Can companions share anxiety? The effect of travel companions on tourist anxiety during crisis situations. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 28(9), 1000-1018. (SSCI), *Corresponding author.
[16] Zhang, S. N., Zhang, W. Y., Li, Y. Q., Ruan, W. Q.(阮文奇), & Zhou, Y. (2023). Will visual peripheral cues motivate you to purchase tourism cultural and creative products? Evidence from China. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 28(12), 1434-1451. (SSCI), Co-author.
[17] Ji, J. C., Li, Y. Q., Ruan, W. Q.(阮文奇), Zhang, S. N., & Deng, F. (2023). The persuasive effect of humorous prompts on tourists’ heritage responsible behaviors. Tourism Review. (SSCI), Co-author.
[18] Zhang, S. N., Jiang, G. X., Ruan, W. Q.*(阮文奇), & Li, Y. Q. (2023). Technology External Cause or Individual Internal Cause? Multiple Ways to Improve the Online Learning Effectiveness of Tourism and Hospitality Management Students. SAGE Open, 13(3), 21582440231193473. (SSCI), *Corresponding author.
[19] 王美钰,李勇泉,阮文奇*,张舒宁 李蕊.遗产旅游地文化传承式创新对游客行为的多重影响:整合社会和市场视角.旅游学刊 1-23.(CSSCI), 通讯作者.
[20] 李蕊,李勇泉,阮文奇*,张舒宁 王美钰.(2023).二元情感视角下共享住宿顾客情感体验的成因机理.旅游学刊 (08),94-109.(CSSCI), 通讯作者.
「2022 代表性论文」(标注*为通讯作者)
[1] Li, R., Li, Y. Q., Ruan, W. Q.*(阮文奇), Zhang, S. N., & Wang, M. Y. (2023). Sentiment mining of online reviews of peer-to-peer accommodations: Customer emotional heterogeneity and its influencing factors. Tourism Management, 96, 104704. (SSCI), *Corresponding author.
[2] Ruan, W. Q.(阮文奇), Yang, T. T., & Zhang, S. N. (2022). Restoration path of small tourism enterprise managers’ confidence in the COVID-19 period. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 39(2), 137-151. (SSCI), First author.
[3] Jiang, G. X., Li, Y. Q., Zhang, S. N., &Ruan, W. Q.*(阮文奇) (2022). How to impress guests: Key factors and strategy configurations for the accommodation memories of homestay guests. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 50, 267-276. (SSCI), *Corresponding author.
[4] Wang, M. Y., Li, Y. Q., Liu, C. H., &Ruan, W. Q*(阮文奇). (2022). Conducting an integrated perspective of academic networks and individual elements on tourism scholars’ innovation performance discovery. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 51, 39-50. (SSCI), Co- author.
[5] Ruan, W. Q.(阮文奇), & Zhang, S. N. (2022). Understand the differences in the brand equity construction process between local and foreign restaurants. Service Business, 16(3), 681-719. (SSCI), First author.
[6] Wang, M. Y., Li, Y. Q., Ruan, W. Q.*(阮文奇), & Zhang, S. N. (2023). How B&B experience affects customer value cocreation under the social servicescape: an emotional psychological perspective. Tourism Review, 78(1), 72-88. (SSCI), *Corresponding author.
[7] Deng, F., Ruan, W. Q.*(阮文奇), & Zhang, S. N. (2023). National traditional festival tourism and visitors’ national identity: a dual collaborative framework of cultural inheritance and inherited innovation. Tourism Review, 78(3), 1019-1035.(SSCI), *Corresponding author.
[8]张舒宁 &阮文奇*.(2022).时空透视与成因探测:大型展会网络信息扩散规律与驱动机制. 地理研究 (03),731-747.(CSSCI), 通讯作者.
[9] 江光秀,李勇泉,阮文奇,张舒宁 & 许安心.(2023).旅游学者合作网络地位对创新绩效的影响机制研究. 旅游学刊 (01),152-167.(CSSCI), 共同作者.
[10] 唐玉婷 &阮文奇.(2023).仪式与认同:游客对民族旅游地文化认同的建构路径. 地理与地理信息科学 (04),129-137.(CSCD和中文核心), 通讯作者.
「2021年 代表性论文」(标注*为通讯作者)
[1] Zhang, S. N., Li, Y. Q., Ruan, W. Q.*(阮文奇), & Liu, C. H. (2022). Would you enjoy virtual travel? The characteristics and causes of virtual tourists’ sentiment under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Tourism management, 88, 104429. (SSCI), *Corresponding author.
[2] Li, R., Li, Y. Q., Liu, C. H., &Ruan, W. Q(阮文奇). (2022). How to create a memorable night tourism experience: Atmosphere, arousal and pleasure. Current Issues in Tourism, 25(11), 1817-1834. (SSCI), Co-author.
[3] Ruan, W. Q.(阮文奇), Yang, T. T., Zhang, S. N., Liu, C. H., & Li, Y. Q. (2021). How to create tourists’ enjoyment? critical factors and strategic configurations for cultural and creative tourists’ enjoyment. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 38(6), 554-567. (SSCI), First author.
[4] Zhang, S. N., Li, Y. Q., Liu, C. H., &Ruan, W. Q(阮文奇). (2021). Reconstruction of the relationship between traditional and emerging restaurant brand and customer WOM. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 94, 102879. (SSCI), Co-author.
[5] Yang, T. T., Ruan, W. Q*.(阮文奇), Zhang, S. N., & Li, Y. Q. (2021). The influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on tourism demand for destinations: an analysis of spatial heterogeneity from a multi-scale perspective. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 26(7), 793-810. (SSCI), *Corresponding author.
[6] Zhang, S. N., Li, Y. Q., Liu, C. H., &Ruan, W. Q(阮文奇). (2021). Does live performance play a critical role in building destination brand equity—A mixed-method study of “Impression Dahongpao. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 59, 102392. (SSCI), Co-author.
[7] Zhang, S. N., Li, Y. Q., Liu, C. H., &Ruan, W. Q(阮文奇). (2021). A study on China's time-honored catering brands: Achieving new inheritance of traditional brands. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 58, 102290. (SSCI), Co-author.
[8] Chen, Q. P., Wu, J. J., &Ruan, W. Q*(阮文奇). (2021). What fascinates you? Structural dimension and element analysis of sensory impressions of tourist destinations created by animated works. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 26(9), 1038-1054. (SSCI), *Corresponding author.
[9] Zhang, S. N., Ruan, W. Q.*(阮文奇), & Yang, T. T. (2021). National identity construction in cultural and creative tourism: the double mediators of implicit cultural memory and explicit cultural learning. Sage Open, 11(3), 21582440211040789. (SSCI), *Corresponding author.
[10] Ruan, W. Q.(阮文奇), & Zhang, S. N. (2021). Can tourism information flow enhance regional tourism economic linkages? Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 49, 614-623. (SSCI), First author.
[11] 张舒宁,李勇泉 &阮文奇*.(2021).接收、共鸣与分享:网络口碑推动网红餐饮粉丝效应的过程机理. 南开管理评论 (03),37-51.(CSSCI), 通讯作者.
[12] 王美钰,李勇泉 &阮文奇*(2022).民宿创业成功的关键要素与理论逻辑:基于扎根理论分析. 南开管理评论 (02),203-215. (CSSCI), 通讯作者.
[13] 杨婷婷, 阮文奇*& 张舒宁.(2022).旅游需求对跨境危机事件信息扩散的空间响应与影响因素. 旅游学刊 (08),119-132. (CSSCI), 通讯作者.
「2020年 代表性论文」(标注*为通讯作者)
[1] Ruan, W. Q.(阮文奇), Li, Y. Q., Zhang, S. N., & Liu, C. H. (2020). Does work-family conflict weaken family travel intention? —a study based on China. Journal of Leisure Research, 51(3), 264-286. (SSCI), First author.
[2] Ruan, W. Q.(阮文奇), Zhang, S. N., Liu, C. H., & Li, Y. Q. (2020). A new path for building hotel brand equity: the impacts of technological competence and service innovation implementation through perceived value and trust. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 29(8), 911-933.(SSCI), First author.
[3] Zhang, S. N., Li, Y. Q., Liu, C. H., &Ruan, W. Q(阮文奇). (2020). Critical factors identification and prediction of tourism and hospitality students' entrepreneurial intention. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 26, 100234. (SSCI), Co-author.
[4] 阮文奇, 张舒宁 & 李勇泉.(2020).自然灾害事件下景区风险管理:危机信息流扩散与旅游流响应. 南开管理评论 (02),63-74. (CSSCI), 第一作者.
[5] 阮文奇, 张舒宁 & 李勇泉.(2020).大型体育赛事网络信息扩散的时空规律及机制——以国际田联路跑金标赛事为例. 上海体育学院学报 (02),74-86. (CSSCI), 第一作者.
「2019年 代表性论文」(标注*为通讯作者)
[1] Ruan, W. Q.(阮文奇), Li, Y., Zhang, S., & Liu, C. H. (2019). Evaluation and drive mechanism of tourism ecological security based on the DPSIR-DEA model. Tourism Management, 75, 609-625. (SSCI), First author.
[2] Ruan, W. Q.(阮文奇), & Li, Y. (2019). Coupling coordination of internet development, technology innovation and star hotel efficiency. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS), 15(3), 48-64. (SSCI), First author.
[3] Zhang, S. N., Li, Y. Q., Liu, C. H., &Ruan, W. Q(阮文奇). (2019). How does authenticity enhance flow experience through perceived value and involvement: the moderating roles of innovation and cultural identity. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 36(6), 710-728. (SSCI), Co-author.
[4] Zhang, S. N., Li, Y. Q., Liu, C. H., & Ruan, W. Q(阮文奇). (2019). Critical factors in the identification of word-of-mouth enhanced with travel apps: the moderating roles of Confucian culture and the switching cost view. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 24(5), 422-442. (SSCI), Co-author.
[5] 阮文奇,张舒宁,李勇泉 & 郑向敏.(2019).中国赴泰旅游需求时空分异及其影响因素. 旅游学刊 (05),76-89. (CSSCI), 第一作者.
[6] 张舒宁,李勇泉 &阮文奇*(2019).旅游地客源市场出游力时空格局演化及其影响因素. 地理与地理信息科学(03),127-133. (CSCD), 通讯作者.
[1] 关于统筹推进我省疫情防控进一步优化扶持小微企业发展政策的建议, 《福建省社科规划项目成果要报》2020年7期(独立作者);
[2] 我省文旅产业做强做优文化标识的对策建议, 《福建省社科规划项目成果要报》2022年4期(独立作者);
[3] 福建省旅游蓝皮书:2016-2017福建省旅游业发展报告[R], 2017;
[4] 福建省旅游蓝皮书:2015-2016福建省旅游业发展报告[R], 2016;
[5] 旅游安全蓝皮书:2014-2015年中国旅游保险的发展形势与展望[R], 2015.
(1)旅游危机信息扩散下客源地公众情感响应的时空规律、过程机制与调适路径(42201237),国家自科基金青年项目,30万,在研,2023.01 - 2025.12(主持);
(10)旅游生态安全研究:评价、预警与防控(WMYC20171063),原国家旅游局万名旅游英才项目,5千,结项,2017.12- 2018.12(主持);
(1)阮文奇,张舒宁,李勇泉. 自然灾害事件下景区风险管理:危机信息流扩散与旅游流响应《南开管理评论》,2021年获得“福建省第十四届社会科学优秀成果奖”三等奖(省部级)。
(2)阮文奇,李勇泉,张舒宁,刘志兴. Evaluation and drive mechanism of tourism ecological security based on the DPSIR-DEA model ,2023年获得“福建省第十五届社会科学优秀成果奖”三等奖(省部级)。
(3)你喜欢云端旅游吗?COVID-19影响下虚拟旅游体验的公众情感特征及成因(2020). 2020《旅游学刊》中国旅游研究年会(获“优秀会议论文”);
(4)眼见为实? 文化景观照片数字修饰的双刃剑效应及作用机制. 2023《旅游学刊》中国旅游研究年会(获“优秀会议论文”);
(5)知识 or 情感? 遗产旅游解说内容对游客文化传承意愿的影响. 2023《旅游学刊》中国旅游研究年会(获“优秀会议论文”);
(6)Evaluation and drive mechanism of tourism ecological security based on the DPSIR-DEA model(2019). 第四届中国青年旅游论坛(获优秀论文一等奖);
(7)Critical factors in the promotion of tourism and hospitality students' entrepreneurial intention: moderating effects of theoretical enhancement, risk-taking and social worth(2019). 首届中国旅游实践教学研讨会(获优秀论文);
(8)中国出境旅游需求的时分异及其影响因素(2018). 第三届中国青年旅游论坛(获优秀论文二等奖)。
(10)How to enhance the flow experience of tourists in cultural and creative tourism: The moderating roles of innovation and cultural identity(2019), 2019 APacCHRIE Conference.